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Amanda Lallicafini:
Teresa wrote an amazing book. She covered a vast array of topics, which if applied over time, could change your life.
In essence; the book is about a steadfast refusal to compromise.
There is a French word that is used to describe the wine-making process.
It is called e'levage. The word speaks of bringing up or rearing a wine overtime to bring out the best qualities in it. This book is like that. The journey to becoming our best self is long, but as with the wine: It is worth it.
I have been so blessed by getting to have an early look at this book.



Laurelle Coto:
Teresa's book is raw, honest and open. Each chapter focuses on a life experience which has shaped her into becoming who she is today, by the challenge it presented and her response to it. As you read you will share in her life and then lessons which she has embraced and grown from. Her honest and true reflections, and willingness to face all that has come her way, shows how it is not the circumstances that life throws at us that shapes us, but how we respond to them. Through her vulnerability in sharing real life experiences she encourages her readers to seek beyond the external situation, and look instead at themselves and who they are or could be. Relatable and real, this book is insightful, reflective and encouraging


Sharon Gibson:
Teresa’s first book Life BEING In It has been born out of the hopes and dreams, triumphs and despair of a life that is way more than ordinary! There is a richness that flows throughout the book where the reader is continuously encouraged to seek out the truth, your own truth, with the honesty, love and compassion that is there for us all as we work towards becoming our most authentic selves ...and to seek to do good as we rise above our everyday challenges.
Teresa’s account of her life thus far is raw and passionate ...and she shares her journey ..and her lessons, openly and honestly. I encourage the reader to put into practice the principles and life

Teresa de Mouilpied-Moore
Author - Life BEING In It

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