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Updated: May 19, 2022

Anything can be learned – Anything! DESIRE + STRATEGY + PRACTICE = RESULT

YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU WANT if the desire is strong enough!

No-one is excluded from this FACT. All it takes is the desire to want to learn something new in any area of your life, develop a strategy to learn the skills required, practice those new skills, which will lead to the RESULT you want to achieve. I have never been one to be told I can’t do something. In fact, if I’m told “You can’t do that,” I will accept the challenge wholeheartedly and prove them wrong.

Over the years I have learned, someone else’s perception of me is not my concern. Although encouragement is lovely, I do not require it or seek to win the approval of others. I wasn’t always this way, in fact, I hungered for approval and compliments. There came a day, many years ago, when I made a decision that I was tired of being so needy of people’s approval. That day, my life changed in the most rewarding way. Overtime, I found out what I was capable of and ‘fear’ of anything or anyone was irrelevant to me. Honestly, failing doesn’t even bother me. My way of thinking is, “At least I did my best and gave it a go!”

When we discover we are capable, everything in life becomes accessible. Yes, effort is required, but when you are following your heart (desire), it is enjoyable, rewarding, enlightening and fulfilling! Although we are all passionate about different things, we all have a desire (purpose, idea, longing) of some description.

What do you desire to learn, have, see, do or be? Is there something you’ve been putting off? Is there somewhere you have wanted to visit? Is there something you have wanted to create? A business you’ve wanted to start? A project that you want to get started?

You will know when the time is right. You will experience gently promptings from inside you that seem to be pushing you in certain direction – do it. Don’t wait for permission. TRUST your SELF! If you do need encouragement, let this be yours today! #lifecoaching

Teresa De Mouilpied-Moore - Author/Life Coach/Podcaster Need help? Pm me for online life-coaching sessions.

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