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World changer! Do you want to BE one? In all of history can you think of one single person who personally brought about needed and worthwhile change by adhering to the ‘status quo,’ or conforming to fit in and be liked? N o o n e. If we read about their personal journey to make change you will discover ongoing opposition and painful experiences for the ‘change’ agent!

Whether the ‘change’ is considered ‘GOOD’ or ‘BAD’ (subjective) it’s never the conformists, rule abiding supporters, or obedient followers, who instigate the ‘change,’ instead these people are ‘the instruments’ used to support, abide by, and enforce the change OR, rigorously maintain (with strong opposition) the ‘status quo.’ It’s always been the rebels, the weirdos, the rejected, the outspoken, who have changed history whether it’s religion, politics, nations, education, science, psychology, bias, culture, civil rights, laws, spiritual awareness….(list is endless)

A ‘rebellious’ person; - refuses to be put into a box, or assigned a label by a so called ‘professional.’ - Own their own mind - they think for themselves (not group-think) - Challenges the status quo - with questions such as - Why? Is this how it’s always been done? Is this actually right? Why do I feel uneasy about this? - Will lead organizations, individuals, groups and communities to freedom, healing, understanding, possibilities, insight, hope, prosperity, truth and love. - Will seek other easier ways of doing things, less time consuming, or innovative. - Will go against the flow if needed and have the courage to speak out, make a stand, make a difference or walk away. - Is ultimately being true to themselves and following what is right for them.

It’s not about noncompliance for the sake of ‘being difficult,’ it’s more the need to be TRUE to themselves, and therefore ALL their decisions, choices and actions are inline with their true Self. (Happiness and joy reside within this wholeness of being true to who they are and their personal mission).

If it is indeed the rebels of ‘the past’ who forged the way forward for us…then I don’t suppose we can expect ‘any change,’ going forward, without the rebels of the future!

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