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Do you remember those cartoons with the little red devil with horns and a pitchfork on one shoulder coercing the person, “do it, do it, don’t worry, just do it, no one will find out, it won’t matter.”

On the other shoulder, an angel dressed in white with a glowing halo pleading, “stop, think this through, don’t do it, you’ll regret it, it’s not right!” This could be controversial to write, BUT there is no angel or devil on your shoulder! IT is our EGO (unhelpful thought patterns, habits, jealousy, un-forgiveness, deception, competition, revenge, pride, and need to control others) going head to head with our TRUE Self (primal nature, conscious knowing, inner wisdom). Our true Self will quietly plead for us to change our ways, make different decisions, to not act out in anger, to let go of the things we cannot control nor change (our past), to not be fearful when creating the life we want, or to move towards a certain direction as our heart leads. Of course, we can choose to ignore it and continue doing what we always do, as it is always our free will to choose. However, when we learn to take counsel from our awareness within, our lives will improve. This is why I implore you, to begin to trust yourself for your path in life, your relationships (who stays and who needs to go) and always “treat people the way you wish to be treated.” This life (golden) rule will keep you on track if you find yourself ‘stuck’ or experience living a life that is less than you desire. The Golden Rule is a ‘yardstick’ you can use to measure the health of all your relationships i.e. Is this person treating me the way I treat them? Being a ‘good person’ doesn’t promise everything will be perfect in your life , or that you won’t have to make hard decisions or experience pain. It does mean that YOUR conscience is clear. You will not feel guilty, or ashamed of your choices. You will be at peace. You can sleep easy. You will love your life regardless of how others choose to be. You will like (maybe even LOVE) the person you are. Every small step towards your true nature creates your now, and your future. We all know what changes we need to make. When? When is…when we decide!

As this wise Native American folktale says, whatever we continue to ‘feed’ will thrive.

Teresa De Mouilpied-Moore - Author LBII - Life Coach/Social Psycholgist and CBT Practitioner/Podcaster #lifecoaching #choicesmatter #thrive #peace

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