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In the 90’s it became hugely popular to do a personality test where you answer a set of questions and depending how you answer them determines your personality type? Have you done one of these tests yourself?

I enjoyed doing these tests and now I understand why it was my absolute ‘need’ to understand human behaviour, based on my inherent need to understand myself, first. In my 20’s, I discovered I was a Peacock. A few years later I found out I was a Sanguine (same as Peacock)

Then I heard that I could be a 1, 2, 3 or 4 personality and another would determine if I was a A, B, C, or D personality type. A quick google search today and there are more tests out there…it appears I could be analytical, driver, amiable or expressive. Alternatively, I might be an upholder, questioner, rebel or obliger… Interesting indeed - appears many have jumped on the bandwagon with the idea of personality testing…talk about ‘reinventing the wheel’ simply by changing a few words! Personality tests are a good way to understand yourself if you don’t have any idea and you want to begin to understand your Self. Learning that I was a Sanguine personality meant I was playful, fun, outgoing, and an extroverted people person, which suited me perfectly. What I noticed was how high I scored as a Choleric personality as well which came in as a close second on my chart. Choleric are leaders, a little bossy, task oriented, strategic etc. etc. What I noticed was how much others wanted to ‘assign the Sanguine-personality label’ to me and not take me seriously as a leader. This was until I showed them I could be a leader and this confused them.

Being strong in these two areas meant I could lead teams and have a lot of fun along the way. It was a pure joy! My style of leadership is relational - which makes sense. Melancholic personality types are deep thinkers, writers, have an extraordinary attention to detail, and I scored about 50% (at the time) which actually is very true for me when I’m working a project, or organizing an event. My attention to all the little things, which sometimes can be overlooked, are focused on just as much as the bigger details. Although I scored lower here I can see over the years that this part of my personality has improved immensely. Phlegmatic personality type was very low for me in my 20’s. The quiet, thoughtful listener and introvert - didn’t describe me at all. This area of my personality is the one I need grow in. Taking time to be introspective, quiet, thoughtful. To not always have to speak or feel it’s my job to make others comfortable. To just BE. Oh boy! This is easy for me at home by myself…but put me in a room full of people… never the less, I can see where I need to develop and that is empowering. Over the years I have come to the conclusion, because of my own experiences and insight, how much I have changed, continue to change and adapt, Those ‘personality tests’ are not a ‘forever’ destination. They can help us understand what areas need our attention and what areas of our personality are capable and confident. The areas we score lower should overtime should become a close equal, that’s maturity.

We are who we are but the idea is to become ‘balanced’ in all 4 personality types.

We should work on our perceived weaknesses so we can connect with all people to the best of our ability. We don’t need to be ‘stuck’ with any label and should be mindful of how we can develop our Self-concept and become Self-actualized, which are the relational parts of our Self. Our personality should change overtime as we grow and mature in our thinking. We can hide or limit ourselves because of ‘assigned labels’ (I am the way I am) and not use these tests to personally grow or benefit ourselves in a way that is whole and congruent. If any labels ‘stick’ we will be ‘stuck.’ ADVICE: Use those personality tests as a guide only- don’t embrace them as a comfort blanket to hide under when challenges come. Choose to develop the other parts of yourself that might be hidden or out of sight at the moment. Know that you have as much potential to learn and grow as anyone other human being on this planet!

What personality type are you? (YOU my friend…are ALL 4 ! )

What is something you can do today which is NOT what you would normally do? If you tend to be an extrovert - try being an introvert for the day… I guarantee others will notice, and ask you what’s wrong Of course, there is nothing wrong at ALL…you are simply growing in personality & potential :)

Teresa De Mouilped-Moore - Social Psychologist/Life Coach/Author/Podcaster August 2022

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