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A few days ago, I overheard an announcement on television...Australia’s Olympian swimmer, Ian Thorpe, (5 Gold medals) will be hosting ‘This Is Your Life’. This Is Your Life, is a TV show in Australia, not sure if you have it or have heard of it in your country. I remember watching the show in the late 1970’s when I was a child, feeling deeply moved whilst hearing their reminiscent stories, as melancholy music played softly in the background for added effect.

The guest of honour (usually a well-known Australian celebrity) had NO IDEA they would be featured on the program. They would be surprised, handed a large book as the host would declare "THIS IS YOUR LIFE!"

Whoever is chosen to be on the show has their life in the spotlight as the host shares family & childhood stories, and old friendships, ex-teachers, work colleagues, bosses come out of the woodwork to share their special memories of the person. Every personal, academic, and professional achievement is showcased and presented in a way which lets us know about their ‘highlights’ in life thus far. MANY ‘highlights’ with maybe just a few 'low-lights,' to keep it real!

I suppose it would be like hearing your own eulogy, whilst you are still alive!

If you, were asked to be on a show like that, what parts of your life would be on display? And, would you want them on display? What highlights and achievements would you be happy to have shared with the world? Can you recognize areas of your life that you would be proud of? What would the people who know you, say about you? It is wise to be reflective from time to time to check our progress in life. We don’t need to be ‘famous’ or a ‘celebrity’ to want to do well for ourselves, and the people we love, and who love us.

The truth is, nobody has a life devoid of ‘low-lights.’ No-one has ‘the perfect life.'

All the ‘seemingly’ unimportant stuff is actually what matters the most to us, if we are honest, and is a more accurate indicator of a truly successful life. If I were to spruik all my achievements you might be impressed. If I were to share with you my insecurities, mistakes and failures, you may see me another way.

True success can be measured by how well we manage (or navigate) all areas of our life - parenting, household duties, work, business, financial, creative pursuits, and personal development whilst staying connected to our true Self (our emotions, feelings, & spiritual discernment).

Celebrate your achievements, flow with the disappointments, accept what is in the past, make necessary changes, choose to live with presence, intention and purpose, love people and love your Self.

May each one of us, take responsibility for our own Self, live our life the best we can, (our best is good enough) with the time we have been given.

Teresa De Mouilpied-Moore LBII LIFE COACH/AUTHOR/Accredited Social Psychologist and CBT Practitioner

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