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The past has a way of tormenting our present, and yet there is nothing we can do to change our past but accept it. It is what it is. We didn’t deserve it, we made mistakes, we were hurt by other people and we hurt ourselves.

The present or NOW is what matters, and our future is yet to BE.

To let go of the past, and put it behind us, is the single hardest struggle we have to go through as human beings.

“If only, things had been different, I would have been different” Is the lie we tell ourselves to stay stuck (in the past). The truth is, it happened!

Today the challenge is to rise up, accept your Self, including your past. To take the first step towards changing your life. To align with who you truly are, is freedom from all the reasons and excuses you tell yourself you can’t.

Our thoughts hold us prisoner and equally our thoughts set us free.

We must be mindful of what we are thinking about and not always believe every thought that pops into our head. We must judge our own thought life, and actively qualify or disqualify each thought. Determine if our thoughts are uplifting and encouraging us forward, or if our thoughts are pulling us backwards into a pit of despair or hopelessness. No-one can help us stop our own thoughts, we must take control by shifting focus to what we do want and whom we will BE.

This is a process and ongoing fight. “The mind is our battlefield” Become aware of your habitual patterns of thinking.

When we can recognize our thoughts, capture our thoughts, and qualify those thoughts, we are empowered to chose rightly for ourselves and BE FREE from our past!

written By Teresa De Mouilpied-Moore - Authour/Life Coach/CBT Practitioner/Podcaster

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