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This morning a headline caught my attention on my google news feed… “How to help students fight procrastination” (something to that effect anyway - I did not read it) Immediately I thought….’When you do what you enjoy…you don’t tend to procrastinate.’ I began to think of the reason why ALL people (not just students) procrastinate. - They don’t like, love or enjoy what they are doing.

Procrastination is something I experience when the kitchen pantry needs cleaning, eventually, I have NO choice, I cannot ignore it any longer and I ‘just do it.’ (NIKE ) I know if I do not clean out the pantry, no one else is going to do it for me. I understand this to be an essential part of living my life well if I want an organized and tidy home. University students are expected to complete certain units as part of their degree, which they may not have any present or future interest in, if they want to graduate. Primary and secondary school is no different, as classes are assigned to everyone ‘the same’ until they are of an age where they can choose for themselves. This creates Self-discipline but also can only be described as a ‘forced style’ of learning (and/or boredom, for many). It can be compared to the ‘attitude’ I experience when I need to clean out the pantry - If I don’t do this, no one else is going to do this for me. Unfortunately, this is the way it is for university students, work and home situations, and acceptance is the only way to get through the ‘unexciting’ units (or dreadful training, meetings, or jobs we must endure).

If you are a student, make a mental note, or become aware of the areas of your course you are most interested in, because this will alert you, spark curiosity and ultimately direct you towards your true passion or purpose. If nothing of what you’re doing or studying is exciting to you, it’s not too late to change direction. Passion (or curiosity if you are not sure what your passion is yet) is the driver! Be honest with your Self What would you do if money was not an issue? An honest answer to this question, allows you to discover, and ‘follow your heart’ when it comes to what you choose to study, or where to work or volunteer. The amount of our LIFE we give to our chosen work (and we don’t have to choose only one) must count for something, surely.

It is possible to love what we DO in life, whilst BEING true to our Self?

Today, many people are realizing that they can choose to work in employment which align with their values, or begin a business that represent who they truly are. It can be creative but it can also be practical. It can be both; it can be flexible. It can be personal growth, it can be professional. It might be seasonal; it could be eternal.

Life flows regardless of how long we procrastinate, force ourselves to do it, or choose to ‘not decide’ for one’s Self what is ‘right’ for us. If you find yourself ‘procrastinating,’ ask your Self, ‘Is what I am doing an important part of my future, or is this a waste of time?’ Am I enjoying the process (journey)? Am I following my curiosity? Only YOU know the answer to these questions!

Life often is not a single path, and following our curiosity, leads us to where we need to be now and towards whom we will become (Self-concept). There are many things we must do to have order in our life, so the list below is helpful to get through our days, ticking off priorities.

Addressing our deepest needs is an entirely different thing all together…and should not be ignored.

written by Teresa De Mouilpied-Moore - Author/Life Coach/Podcaster #lifecoaching #lifelessons #lifebeinginit

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