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If we accept our perceived flaws and the ‘labels’ others have assigned to us, we are giving our power to others. How many inspiring people, (the ones we look up to) came from horrendous backgrounds or suffered terrible setbacks and yet arose to become people who inspire others? How many of them were told ‘you will never do that’? What if I say, what has been true for them, is also true for you?

Consider the possibility that the ‘labels’ and your ‘limiting beliefs’ are no longer valid, or helping you. Perhaps they are instead hindering and hurting you. Personal empowerment is shaking off other people’s limiting assigned judgements of who YOU are. Perhaps ‘the labels’ served a purpose for a season, may have been right ‘once upon a time’ and maybe the label is/was believable to you, because that’s where you were at, at the time. Does that mean you are forever stuck and powerless to change? What happened is in the past, so leave it there.

Don’t hold onto a ‘label,’ no matter who gave it you, or if you gave it to your Self! Don’t use a ‘label’ as an excuse to not take control of your own life. Our thoughts, emotions and feelings (mental and emotional health) ebb and flow, and so must our ability to move from one phase of existence to another. We are forever evolving and to stay stuck in one place of ‘being’ is what ‘depression’ is. Whether inflicted on us by others for their benefit, control and comfort, or our own disbelief in our SELF to rise, regardless of other’s expectations or judgements, or our own difficult past behaviour. Every day is brand new, and that means you have the opportunity for a fresh start, to realign with your authentic Self, moving towards becoming a person who is an inspiration to others. Prove the naysayers wrong. Prove how capable you truly are. Prove to BE a person who has discovered ‘who you are’ when you no longer accept the labels ‘holding you captive.’ You can do this! No one can DO this for you.

Your life is 100% your responsibility!

Step away from the labels, the attachment, safety (fear) and excuses. Allow the idea that you are more than a poor, needy, trapped, weak, victim/individual who needs ‘others’ to fix you, or to ‘excuse’ your behaviour because ‘you can’t help it’ or ‘it’s just the way you are.’ I don’t believe that! I do believe you are more than you recognize right now. Shake off those labels and BE you! BE empowered. BE free!

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Teresa De Mouilpied-Moore - Author/Life Coach/Podcaster

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