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Do you regularly give your Self a 'check up from the neck up?'

Not my saying but its worthy of a mention!

To BE of good character and BE MATURE in our thoughts and actions, we must check ourselves often. Reflect on ways we can be a better human, and of course, pat ourselves on the back when we know we are being the best we can with what we know right now.

Our BEST is sufficient and those who know us can see us trying. Isn't this the most important thing?

There are areas of my life I would consider myself to be mature, and equally there are ‘ways of being’ which are immature and I am aware of. We all make mistakes or at times find ourselves on a path that is leading us somewhere we don’t want to go.

Grace and patience with our Self is vital for our ongoing happiness and personal growth, and NOT giving up when we ‘think’ we might have ‘failed.’ All the while, being kind to ourselves as we extend kindness to others who are also doing their best at the moment.

We can change direction at any time, at any moment, and on any day, from just one decision and becoming intentionally present with ourselves and others.

Maturity is not about age, its about our character. It's about being consistently motivated to BE the best human we can, and living life to our fullest and highest potential.

Teresa De Mouilpied-Moore - Author/Life Coach/Podcaster

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