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Today I revised this poem which I wrote in 2019.

This is what this poem means to me. It is very difficult to see ‘beauty’ in life’s setbacks, disappointments, tragedies, or the death of a loved one. It can be life changing, shattering and overwhelmingly so.

It is more than okay to feel angry, sad, heartbroken, or filled with utter despair…and question…Why me or What next?

How do I manage my Self when I’m not in a good place? How is this situation okay? In our own time, (everyone is different and there are no rules or time frames) we must come to a place of accepting what is, not what we wish it was. Life doesn’t always deliver as we expect.

I am a believer that everything happens for a reason and sometimes - for no reason.

All we can really do is allow ourselves to accept what is the TRUTH of our situation. The quiet, gentle voice within each of us is comforting and soothing, if we become still, and allow ourselves to be loved in that moment - acceptance is here. Acceptance no longer questions what is, and no longer has a need for an answer. Acceptance knows ‘this too shall pass,’ better days are coming, there is hope for the future, and JOY will return! everything is still okay

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