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Our intelligence ‘opens up’ or ‘increases’ when we consider the possibility that what we know now, is not all there is to know. The ability to question everything with the thought, “Is there something I am not seeing or understanding here in this moment?”

I don’t think we ‘arrive’ at ‘intelligence’ but rather that we ‘grow’ in ‘intelligence’ throughout our life experiences, and it’s more about understanding that no one will ever know ‘all’ there is to know. Collectively, as a human community, we connect and learn from each other - intelligence is here.

The most deeply intelligent people, always consider the possibility -“What I know now is not all there is to know.”

There is a ‘knowing’ that comes from within us (not the mind) that gently reminds us - ‘there is more…there is so much more.’

ASK YOUR SELF The way I proceed in life right now, is there the possibility of ‘another way’ which could prove more satisfying? Am I missing something important here and how do I know if I am?

How does a person change from being close minded, (stuck in a rut) to being open minded, absorb new ideas or allow themselves to consider they might not be living their BEST life…or they might be wrong about a number of things they believe to be TRUE, right now.

Simply, kindly and gently ‘let go’ of the need to ‘be right’ about ‘everything,’ and posture yourself as a ‘student of life.’

Spend time with your Self. Every answer to every question is within your Self. This ‘way of being’ in the world releases us from needing to be better than anyone else, insecure, prideful, arrogant, or in competition with each other.

We are free to BE exactly who we are when we ‘let go’ of the need to ‘think’ we ‘know it all.’

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