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Updated: May 19, 2022

Our ability to CHOOSE is the ONE thing we do have control of in our life.

Our thoughts, emotions, and feelings will always require a response from us. There is that 'moment' before we react, respond, make a decision or take action. That where our power to choose is. Every choice we make has a side effect. A positive result or a negative one. Either our choice/s will take us towards a desired result or our choice/s will lead us away from what we truly desire.

Can you trace back in your memory to a time when you chose to do something you now regret? In hindsight, can you can recognize how that one decision led you on a path you did not want to be on? Can you see how you changed your course by choosing differently the next time around? If you kept choosing the same response, did your situation escalate to a point where you found yourself in turmoil – rock bottom? Did you become disappointed with yourself? Did that disappointment lead you to reflect as to how to manage yourself better? Did choosing differently, change the course you were on? Are you doing better now as a result of learning from past mistakes?

Recognize that 'space', before making any decision.

Consider the outcome you want and how you will feel about yourself if you follow through.

Will you be proud of your choice or will you regret it? Our choices should always be in line with our core values. Giving that ‘space’ the respect, it deserves, is where all change happens. That little pause, and your ability to choose correctly is your path to maturity, freedom, personal fulfillment and living your BEST life.

Teresa De Mouilpied-Moore - Author/Life Coach/Podcaster

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