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Updated: May 19, 2022

DIE TO YOUR SELF’ is a popular term used in Church, and sermons in Christian Churches but it actually isn’t even in the Bible.

There is a scripture where Jesus talks about 'denying your-self' where I believe this means denying a way of living that inhibits our way of living an extraordinary life. It means, to turn away from natural urges that are not going to bring you and those around you, fulfillment, happiness and joy.

When JESUS died, he showed the world it’s cruelty because He lived his life as an example of LOVE in all forms, even in His anger he exposed greed.

When we ‘deny our self(ish)’ ways, we can live in our full expression of truth. ‘Dying’ or a better term denying, simply means turning away from all the disturbances that separate us from our TRUE SELF (our loving nature). These road blocks (or ways we should deny ourselves) are the choices some people make to hate others, be unfaithful, scheme & lie, seek revenge, indulge in aggressive behaviour and physical violence, act out of jealousy and envy, gossip with malicious intent, have a need to control others, play mind games, or manipulate people and situations. Being active in these ways WILL not only destroy your life and those around you, BUT your ability to LOVE and accept your own SELF (your BEST/HIGHEST way of BEING in the world) We cannot excel in this life personally, or in our relationships with others if we allow ourselves BE this type of human. LIFE will be a constant struggle of pain and disappointment for people who choose to go against who they truly are.

All our ways of BEING can be aligned with the essence of our TRUE SELF. We are not meek and mild. We are loving, kind, truthful, strong, progressive, focused, sure-footed, passionate, inspirational, intelligent, purposeful, ambitious, constantly growing and evolving. We don’t have to BE stagnant, boring, waiting, depressed, insecure, mean, malicious or hateful or live in fear of what other people ‘think’ of us.

“Deny our destructive ways of being” YES!!! This makes so much more sense to me!

I am not a theologian at all but in the past I spent many years trying to 'deny myself,' whilst trying to passionately pursue the desires of my heart. My life in some ways was a contradiction because I was fighting against my own SELF. Feeling guilt for no good reason at all, other than the belief that I should not want those things I really wanted. However, my achievements and desires had always come from a place of LOVE within my SELF. I spent 23 years in church, so that’s half of my life, and it was confusing as I grappled with how do I pursue my BEST life if I have to ‘die to my-self’, or ‘deny myself’ ? Eventually I stopped struggling, simply and wholeheartedly embraced ALL that I AM, freely allowing my true Self to shine. Freedom to BE the BEST version of ME.

Over these past years I’ve become a person who has made peace with my SELF. Today, I honour the truest and most beautiful part of me that seeks full expression and authenticity in my everyday life and projects.

Our true Self is the part of us that is connected. It’s the part of us that desires connection to all living things. It is the part of us that leads us the right way to live our life.

To live a life functioning at joyful capacity we must engage the spiritual part of ourselves that always operates out of love, and gravitate towards nurturing our own expression of love to everyone we meet, the best that we can. We won’t do it perfectly all the time and that’s never been the requirement. Deny your negative ways, BE TRUE to YOUR-SELF and understand your expression of that LOVE will BE as unique as YOU ARE

Teresa de Mouilpied-Moore - Author/Life Coach/Podcaster

#blessings and #love to you all!

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