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Updated: May 19, 2022

The dictionary meaning for the word VOLITIONAL is: relating to the use of one's will.

Have you ever attended an event or family gather and you really did not want to go?

Have you held an event yourself and invited people that you did not want present?

Have you ever said YES, when you really wanted to say NO?

How many times have we gone against our own will to please others?

Are those choices leading us to where we want to BE or are they leading us away?

Our day is filled with choices and decisions we must make. Work situations, relationships, family matters, exercise, parenting, the list is endless. These are the BIG things, consider all the smaller choices like what you will have for dinner tonight.

Our ability to choose rightly for our Self equals the quality of our overall well-being, mental and emotional health.

It’s important to mention, I am not talking about caving in to ‘fear’ or the possibility of ‘discomfort’ or ‘insecurity’ in some social settings. Pushing through, in these situations is personal growth.

I am saying there are times, when our inner prompting or gut is urging us, ‘to not do something,’ or 'to do something' for whatever reason.

Are we recognizing our will to choose rather than reacting from a ‘programmed’ way of believing or being that is no longer helpful to us? Going around in circles doing the same things, expecting a different result!

Are we actually learning and growing? Or are we stuck in a rut!

To BE VOLITIONAL is to understand our own will and ability to choose our response, action, inaction, and make decisions based on our own core values, not someone else's expectation of us.

Today, recognize your power (your will) to choose (every time), and understand that being TRUE to your Self is something that will develop overtime, as you acknowledge, respect and trust your OWN SELF to make decisions that are right for you!

Teresa de Mouilpied-Moore - Life BEING In It - Author/Life Coach

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