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This is what BEING in life is. Acceptance-Presence-Transcendence.

Although it sounds easy, there is so much going on around us so it’s really easy to get drawn into drama whether our own or someone else’s. Don’t be concerned about any mistakes along the way, learn from them, shake the dust off and try again NOBODY is PERFECT!

To become aware or ‘awakened’ to how distracted we become with the people or things that don’t matter, whilst ignoring the people or things that really do matter is every human being’s challenge.

When we grow in ‘awareness’ this gives us the power to change our life, change direction, let things, hurts, and people go.

Until we become aware, we are NOT AWARE of any NEED to change our way of being. We will keep doing the same things over and over, that are causing distress in relationships, and wonder why life is not fair, incredibly difficult, or lonely, etc. etc. We are not enjoying our everyday existence.

How can we delve into the deeper part of our TRUE Self and discover how to become more aware, perceptive, and whole as a human being?

ACCEPTANCE • Self-Love including perceived flaws. • Gratitude, an open heart • Unconditional regard for others - NO judgement • Connection with others-over being right. • Letting go of the need to control others in any way. • Letting go of hurt, disappointment and/or pain from the past.

In order to go forward we must accept the past and this is simply letting go of the need to be right. We can accept everything and everyone. NOTE: we can choose to forgive, let go and love but also we can choose to be around people who do not love and accept us. This is within your power and is your human right.

PRESENCE • Being in life, this moment/day matters • Authenticity, our best of our best Self, right now. • Acceptance of what is, not what I wish it was. • Gratitude for ALL life, things, people, places, experiences, and my Self! • Listening to the ‘knowing’ voice within, that guides me. • Kindness, and connection.

Right now…matters. Every choice, decision, action or inaction is WHO you ARE right now. As this moment passes, we have another moment and another until eventually our human existence is over. Change can happen in every moment at any time – just one decision. You do not ever have to see your Self as 'stuck.' Being stuck is a choice!

TRANSCENDENCE • Hope for the future • Letting go of the need to control anything that is outside of my own Self. • A knowing, everything will be as it will be. • Becoming the best version of my true Self. • Helping others move towards transcendence.

To transcend simply means - what is happening around me is not going to stop me becoming the best version of myself. Who I am right now is enough! I have the capacity and ability to grow in understanding, learn and help others along the way. I want to BE better. The BEST version of My Self!

The dictionary meaning for Transcendence - the state of excelling or surpassing or going beyond usual limits (being, being-ness, existence) - the state or fact of existing; "a point of view gradually coming into being"; "laws in existence for centuries"

To BE Winning@Living we will need to incorporate this understanding - eventually,in our own time.

Life has a way of directing us, if we are openhearted and ready to become (process) the best version of our Self. Being patient with ourselves and patient with others who are also on the same journey to awareness even if they are not conscious of it, right now. To uncover our true Self we (including yours truly ) need to become aware of the way we think about ourselves and others. These ideas DO seem easy and in fact they are, BUT so hard to commit to on a daily basis. There are so many factors that inhibit, get in the way, and send us on wild goose chases, including the many people around us who don’t even try to connect with their true nature. Life has lots of challenges to overcome but we can do it. It’s in our true nature to do so, if we are willing.

written By Teresa De Mouilpied-Moore - Authour/Life Coach/CBT Practitioner/Podcaster

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