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When it comes to spiritual beliefs and GOD - it can only be explained as deeply personal. We discover who or what ‘God’ is from our own seeking within. A belief in a higher power, doesn’t come from outside of ourselves or anything ‘we can do.’ Religions can be manufactured and indoctrinate people to ‘believe a certain way’ by following certain rituals. As do any ‘organizations.’ Religions create rules to ensure people never question ‘the leaders.’ ‘Followers’ do what they are told, and through obedience they will ‘fit’ into the group. Some organizations are not ‘overtly’ controlling, just subtle enough to persuade overtime to believing someone else’s theology rather than seeking TRUTH for your Self.

‘God’ - no matter which name you choose to use - is within each of us and NOT subject to ‘the rules of spirituality as defined by a ‘man.’

True spirituality is PERSONAL and spiritual understanding only deepens as we explore the question ‘WHY am I here?’

Spirituality is understanding one’s Self in ‘fullness’ and complete ‘emptiness.’ Spirituality will NOT EVER be found in our ‘intellect’ or from ‘doing’ but rather, BEING or ‘our knowing’ which is - the SPIRIT of TRUTH within each of us.

It doesn’t matter where we are planted (community, culture, homeland), how we were raised, what happened in our past, what our current beliefs (religious or atheist) or thoughts are.

How you come to understand and fully accept your Self will not be found in religious practices, associations with certain groups, spiritual movements, or even the latest popular spiritual guru.

This is why our life journey is ‘solo’. This is the ‘oneness’ we ALL share.

We DO life together. YES! We BE in life through acceptance of what is…right now, exactly as it is…in this very moment. This is spirituality. This is Being Spiritual.

written By Teresa De Mouilpied-Moore - Authour/Life Coach/CBT Practitioner/Podcaster

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