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The saying, “Patience is a virtue” expresses the importance of being patient.

A virtue is a trait or quality deemed to be morally excellent and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being.

We are tested in regard to this virtue every day. In traffic, at work, watching sport, in every one of our relationships…patience WILL be tested.

To lack patience means we react impatiently to what we cannot control.


We cannot control a toddler’s tantrum. We cannot control the speed of traffic or the way some people drive. We cannot control people buying more than their share. We cannot control other people’s bad mood, or attitude. (etc.etc.)

The list is endless of what we do not have control over, BUT we do have control over ourselves.

Patience is important because we DO NOT have control of many things outside of our own choices, decisions, responses and behaviour.

Rather than getting upset with others we can manage and monitor ourselves exercising the virtue – Patience!

Patience allows us to accept the storm…but not participate in it.

Patience and acceptance of what is rather than what we ‘wish’ it were.

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