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Are you Self-motivated or do you need someone to push you towards results?

Do you leave things to the last minute or are you a planner?

We are motivated towards something we want (desire) or something we do not want (aversion).

If we leave things till the last minute and then become VERY motivated at this point to get it completed, it is more than likely because we know we will be in ‘trouble’ if we don’t.

I prefer not to live my life that way, that’s why I’m very organized particularly in a working environment. If I set a goal for myself, I am motivated to complete it and make sure that I’m ahead of the game.

That means when ‘issues’ arise I have the time to solve the problem without too much of a headache.

My home life is more relaxed but when it comes to making sure our pantry is well stocked and anything running low has a new one ready to go…that’s just how I roll. I very rarely run out of something. I’m a planner, motivated purely for ‘comfort’ and a ‘stress-less’ existence.

Is that a good enough reason to be Self-motivated?…I think so!

When my children were teenagers (now young adults) they stopped wanting me to tell them what to do. My answer was “Okay, don’t WAIT for me to ask, you know what needs to done.”

Being Self-motivated means, we choose to;

- show up on time,

- work smart, study smart.

- complete mundane tasks effectively,

- fulfill promises,

- find our own reason and strength to complete a task,

- not give up or ‘need’ others to see our value and worth.

- show our ability to do what needs to be done.

Who wants someone pushing them, pumping them up, fluffing up their feathers – ALL THE TIME?

NO THANK YOU! We can do it ourselves!

#30daysofbeingchallenged #lifebeinginit Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Anchor/Spotify (podcast)

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