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Updated: May 19, 2022

BE LOVE AND BE LOVED is a quote I penned several years ago because the truth of this just resonated with my way of BEING in the world.

In my heart and in my deepest thoughts and spirit, I know this to BE true - Every human being wants love and acceptance above all else. We want to be loved and accepted for exactly who we are. Nothing satisfies our heart, mind, and soul more than knowing we are loved by someone else on this planet and that we don’t have to do this journey alone.

For many people in the world, there are seasons where we will BE alone with our own SELF. If we love and accept our SELF as a person, we are able to not only survive, but flourish during those seasons of life! Everyone experiences these lonely times and if we look deep within and don’t like who we are, it can develop bitterness in our heart, judgement of others, a sense of dread, despair, guilt and shame that evokes jealousy or envy towards people who appear to breeze through life effortlessly.

Those among us who love and accept themselves can show kindness, and are easily able to express love to others. They are able to celebrate other people’s happiness, job promotions, and personal achievements. They also tend to not see other people who are living their BEST life as competition, but rather they understand this person has discovered a way of BEING in life that is inspirational, joyful and fulfilling to them. On the flip-side kind people can be considered weak or unintelligent by many who don’t understand them because they have not chosen the pathway of kindness themselves. Kind, openhearted, forgiving people are incredibly resilient because, for every one of those people…there are 100 other people out there who are ready to ‘bring them down’ at a moment’s chance. If I told you that those people have fought for their freedom to BE themselves and have endured rejection after rejection because of what they stand for in this world - would that make any difference to the way you see them? To stay loving in a world of people competing for attention in all manner of ways, it is a badge of honor for those who choose to LOVE & ACCEPT themselves, and BE kind to others, even those who do not deserve it.

For some people who’ve been told they don’t matter, or their thoughts and feelings are not important, and in many cases that “nobody cares about them,” are clearly at a disadvantage, especially if these words are repeated over and over from a young age in one’s formative years. Being around people who have treated you this way, is nothing but cruel. No-one should live like this.

You deserve better and it was not your fault!

Nevertheless, as we become aware, all of us are responsible for our SELF. We can change the situation we are in, one decision (choice) at a time, in the direction we want to go.

When we are down-trodden, rock bottom, experiencing extreme sadness, loneliness, misery, and low self-esteem… there is only one way to go and that is UPWARDS! Whatever situation you are in now, YOU can change it overtime by making the opposite decisions that got you to where you are now. Your own limiting beliefs are keeping you captive, not your situation. Please contact a professional therapist if you need help – don’t waste another day of your life!

Fundamental Principles for LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE

LOVE & ACCEPT YOURSELF Everything that makes you, YOU. Your uniqueness, your heart, your mind. The parts you consider 'bad' may not be bad but what others wanted you to believe about yourself. Do you love and accept yourself? Your answer to this one question, determines the direction of your whole life!

LOVE & ACCEPT OTHERS This is easier once we have made peace with ourselves. Acceptance of our own SELF enlarges our capacity to embrace other peoples 'not so great bits.' We are able to deeply understand others when we understand our own SELF.

SURROUND YOURSELF WITH OTHERS WHO LOVE & ACCEPT YOU. This is really important. We must be able to walk away from any person who do not wish us well. Those whom want us to not pursue our personal growth and live our BEST LIFE. Usually these people leave organically and my advice would be 'let them go!' Continue to love them from a distance!

Instead, surround yourself with people who cheer you on and are genuinely happy for your successes. These are your people (family, kin, cheerleaders). You may only have one or two people who are your REAL friends, and that's okay.


Teresa de Mouilpied-Moore - AUTHOR/LIFE-COACH/PODCASTER/WRITER My book & e-book is available on AMAZON CHECK IT OUT X

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