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In a world where you can be anything…BE KIND 😊

Are you a person who enjoys lifting up others or do you withhold or hold back kind words or generosity of spirit?

Meaning, you could show kindness…but you choose not to!

Withholding a gesture of kindness is based on fear that to give someone else attention, praise, recognition or gifts means we have ‘lost’ something for our elves. The fact is, we have lost absolutely nothing…BUT we have gained a sense of well-being.

It’s unnatural to be unkind that’s why we don’t feel good about ourselves when we miss an opportunity to lift up someone else. Kindness takes our eyes off our self, and notices the people around us.

When someone chooses to withhold encouragement, a kind word, or a smile…it is chosen. It’s a chosen way of being.

They may not consider themselves to be ‘unkind’ because they’re not actually doing anything wrong, BUT they are choosing to NOT lift up others. It's a missed opportunity you could say!

Being unkind is a learned behaviour that is very possibly developed in childhood through incorrect parenting or a child’s way of survival in their family of origin.

A child who never received kindness or encouragement has had to learn how to be kind to themselves and may believe they had it tough so they have chosen to take a firmer or more distant approach with people.

People who are kind by nature, have chosen to be that way. We were born to be compassionate and we should follow our heart when it comes to lifting up other human beings who are just doing the best they can in life.

A kind person will flourish in life and be remembered for being...a kind person.

Kindness is a CHOICE.

Today we will be kind toward our Self and others!

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