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Updated: May 7, 2020

To BE intentional is to be deliberate, conscious and purposeful. It is a chosen intention to be or do something for our SELF or others.

It’s Saturday, so I’ve just came back from a long walk with my husband where we were intentional about what we were going to do at this location – which was exercise, the brisk walking variety (and an applaud-able sprint to shelter when it started to rain)!

If we want to change something about our selves which is not bringing about the results we desire, we need to be intentional about changing the behaviour and reinforcing a preferable response, or action. Choosing differently to get a different result.

When we are consciously connected to our SELF and the moment we are currently experiencing, we are more able to be intentional within our interpersonal relationships and also our personal development.

LIVING a GREAT LIFE and discovering all that you are is an intentional journey of self-discovery.

Intentional living simply means to live the life that you truly want.

A life by design of your choosing, rather than living a life that just 'happens' to you.

It sounds wonderful and simple in theory, but of course there are barriers that need to be overcome – mainly our own thoughts. –

“An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing. An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of significance.” John C Maxwell

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