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Today we will BE inquisitive!

To be inquisitive is to be showing curiosity, or being eager to acquire information.

How many of us don’t really know what our friends actually DO at work?

How many of us do not know for certain what our work colleagues do on the weekend for fun?

How many of us don’t know what our children are passionate about?

For most of my life I thought it was ‘bad’ to ask too many questions and it felt like I was poking my nose in other people’s business.

In order to fill in ‘the gaps’ (where someone else should speak or I should be asking another question to show interest), I would begin to feel uneasy and change the subject or talk about myself!

Certainly, these days I can see how many missed opportunities I’ve had in building deeper relationships.

It’s okay to ask someone ‘Hey…what are you up to over Easter?’ BUT don’t stop there, ask more questions, delve a little deeper and really listen and respond to their answers.

It’s not BAD or NOSEY! The truth is you are being interested, friendly, and inquisitive and showing you care. As we touch the heart of others, we, without a doubt, enrich our own lives in the process.

People WANT to connect with others on a deeper level even if they don't fully realize that yet.

If someone is trying to connect with YOU today...put your phone down. Respond kindly and openly. Relationships are two-way, mutually rewarding, and respectful.

Today, let’s get a little deeper and more connected to the people around us.

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