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Let’s BE honest…shall we?

Honestly…we really do need to BE more honest.

Particularly with our SELF!

If we can’t be honest with our SELF then what are the chance’s we are being honest with others?

Really slim…I’d say!

Honesty with our SELF, who we are, and how we are traveling on our life journey, will help us to have more clarity in relation to our life purpose.

By being honest with our SELF we realize areas of our lives that we may need to change or adjust slightly in order to experience personal growth, well-being and fulfillment.

Are we listening to the voice of reason within?

The voice that gently guides us in all our interactions with others. The voice that gently leads us the way we should go.

Easy to ignore THAT voice isn’t it?

We’ve ALL done it!

We’ve ignored its guidance and ‘BOOM’ found our self in HOT water! Why didn’t we trust our inner knowing?

Why do we do that?

The point is, although others can’t see what you are covering up…YOU know you are and this effects the relationship you have with our SELF. The people around us know, they can feel something is off and they are not getting the best version of who YOU are.

Consider giving your SELF an honesty check...not so you can feel bad about yourself, but rather, so you can be free from guilt, shame and self-doubt.

An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips. Proverbs 24:26

Honesty with SELF naturally evolves into honesty in ALL your relationships.

So, go ahead....and give your SELF a kiss!

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