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Updated: May 7, 2020

Being healthy in mind, body and spirit is the key to overall balance and well-being (true happiness) in our lives. We’ve all at times eaten too much food, thought negative thoughts and not listened to our inner voice.

Each part of us, when enmeshed or working together harmoniously, naturally results in a sense of well-being.

When we are out of sync, we know this because we seek ‘happiness’ from outside our SELF.

Getting rid of our unhealthy habits and addictions is a way of moving towards overall well-being.

Addictions are not just drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, and smoking. We can be addicted to approval, praise, recognition, money, winning, promotion, exercise, attention and likes on our Instagram.

Addictive behaviours can also be existing beliefs, things we think we need, people pleasing, pride associated with belonging to a certain organization, or the role we play in our work/life.

I think all of us have some type of addiction or self-limiting belief. It is our minds and/or body controlling our direction in life rather than our spirit leading the way. Our spirit is the essence of who we truly are outside and away from ‘addictions,’ attitudes, mindsets and beliefs.

If we can learn to follow our heart (spirit), adjust and align ourselves with who we truly are (not what others expect us to be), WE are on the right path for our SELF. We need trust our SELF more than we trust outside influences.

This doesn’t mean we don’t seek help or that we don’t trust others. It just means that we trust the voice within that is guiding us toward the life we really want and the happiness we truly deserve.

Feeling stuck in some area of your life? Email me.

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