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An attitude of gratitude will never lead us astray.

When we focus on what we do have we are truly grateful.

Our heart is happy and our mind is present.

Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness!

The moment I feel grateful, everything else in my life takes a back seat.

Concentrating on all the reasons I am grateful in my life…brings clarity & positive perspective.

Whenever we focus on what we don’t have…notice how we begin to feel about our self and others?

There will always be something we don’t have that we believe would make life better somehow.

Perhaps that’s very true, in fact, for a majority of us…it is absolutely true! If only we had more money, more time, more space, a relationship, a job, a hug…a roll of toilet paper!

Whatever it is we want when we give too much attention to those things, we give little to no focus on gratitude for what we actually do have.

Being grateful for what we do have means we turn our attention to what truly matters.

It is truly being thankful for the people who do love us.

It is acknowledging the wonder of all that life offers us.

The beauty all around us in nature! Our personal belongings and material items.

The food on our plate and the roof over our heads.

Its recognizing how far we’ve come despite any setbacks.

Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions, the more you express gratitude the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for – Zig Ziglar

We can complain or we can be grateful, the choice is always ours!

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