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How much fun are YOU to live with? – DR PHIL No really…how much fun are you?

It’s one of those questions we should ask ourselves fairly often.

I mean who wants to live (or work) with an uptight, self-righteous, self-serving, angry, whinging, poor me, woe is me individual. ME! said NO-ONE!

We are naturally attracted to happy, kind and generous people. People who love life and don’t take it so seriously. We don’t have to be serious ALL THE TIME. LIFE can BE FUN even in times of ISOLATION or SOCIAL DISTANCING.

How funny are the TIKTOK app videos at the moment? They’ve made me laugh and cry...or cry laughing!

If you need some inspiration on how to have some fun for yourself…or have fun with others (safely 😊) perhaps some funny videos will inspire you.

Yesterday my husband and I went for a walk on the beach and found small flat rocks to throw, making them skim on the water. We went to the beach to enjoy some exercise but spontaneously had even more fun along the way!

Fun is the enjoyment of pleasure, particularly in leisure activities. Fun is an experience — often unexpected, informal, generally not cerebral and generally purposeless.

It is an enjoyable distraction, diverting the mind and body from any serious task or contributing an extra dimension to it – Wikipedia.

What fun thing can you do or BE for someone today?

FUN is NOT a four-letter word!

#30daysofbeingchallenged #lifebeinginit Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Anchor/Spotify (podcast

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