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Updated: May 7, 2020

There are 7 areas in our life that need our attention.

These are;

1. Love & Relationships

2. Career & Educational

3. Personal Finances

4. Health & Recreation

5. Routine Responsibilities

6. Social Contribution

7. Personal Growth

It is impossible to focus on all 7 of these areas in our life at one time. That’s why so many of us lapse in a few of these whilst pursuing one or two of the other areas. What ever we are focused on at the moment is where we are competent and hopefully succeeding at whilst some other key area, or areas, are suffering.

So how do I manage all these areas?

I am so glad you asked!

By reflecting, acknowledging and understanding why this area is not doing so well and giving more of your attention to it. You can do this by giving your thoughts to each area and being honest with your SELF.

De-brief your SELF!

For example, if work is where most of your focus is and your relationships are not doing so well, give more of your time, energy and focus to that area.

Good time management and being present for those relationships is the key.

If your time is limited to be able to give, then make sure the time you are giving is quality time, real focus and an attentive caring attitude.

What are you most focused on and what area of your life needs an overall?

#30daysofbeingchallenged #lifebeinginit Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Anchor/Spotify (podcast

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