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GOOD NEWS…We are ALL creative! 100% true!

What we don’t do however is make TIME for being creative.

Being CREATIVE is relating to or involving the use of our imagination or our original ideas, to create something NEW, unique and of our own design. Maybe it’s an existing design, process, thought, format or formula where you introduce your own personal touches, colour, intellect, fresh ideas or strategies to make life better for others. I like to call this putting the sprinkles on top of an existing idea, or adding value, something ‘extra’, delivering more than expected, and/or NOT being predictable.

It feels amazing when we ARE being creative and producing something that was not in existence but now IS because we chose to put in the extra time and effort. We choose to push ourselves out of our comfort zone…or the ‘fear’ of what people will think or their opinions.

YOU designed it, wrote it, painted it, drew it, photographed it, embellished it, coloured it, thought it. A N D YOU made it happen!

This is one of my own TessyART Designs.

#photoshopped handrawn doodleart.

What is your ‘it’ thing to CREATE today?

Today we are choosing to BE CREATIVE in our home environment (or work environment).

It doesn’t have to be big…and you don’t even have to finish it today…but you can start and promise yourself you will commit to finishing! That’s important…!

It could be creating a new recipe…or an existing recipe with a few little touches that make it uniquely yours! Creating a special card for someone or beautifying a 'boring' corner of your home. Maybe it’s time to get the easel out of the shed! Buy some art supplies. Finish that project you started ages ago! Whatever it is…just do it!

Every-day, we are creating 'something'…recognize where you are being creative and be sure to set aside some time for YOU, to have fun and create!

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