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To be externally aware is too be concerned and well informed about a particular situation or development or having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. Awareness, being our surroundings (life as it is happening) we can choose to stay connected or we can unplug.

To be internally aware of something, you realize that it is present or is happening because you hear it, see it, smell it, or feel it.

Self-awareness (life as it is affecting us right now) means we can remain informed or concerned ‘just enough’ so as to understand, but not allow our emotions or feelings to get out of control.

In particular, I am addressing the overload of information that has flooded social media in relation to the virus, but really when we are truly aware, we are able to better monitor how ‘outside factors’ affect our internal state of well-being.

When become aware of that fact we can adjust our lives in accordance.

Being aware means, we will be responsible but we won’t absorb every bit of information and not recognise how it is affecting us internally.

Be aware and guard your heart and mind – navigate your SELF wisely, subjectively and intelligently.

“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.” ― Amit Ray

Not everything is good in the world…BUT not everything is bad either.


#30daysofbeingchallenged #lifebeinginit Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Anchor/Spotify (podcast)

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