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In 2006 I won an award in a songwriting competition for Best Gospel Pop Song which was presented by The Australian Gospel Music Association - A BRAND NEW DAY

This was a huge honour as this was my first (and only) solo album.

Having been in the Christian church for many years (23years) and involved in so many great creative projects, this award was not only a feather in my cap but also an important message to myself. It took courage to step away from what had been my whole world for so many years, and to step out of my comfort zone and dig deep in self-belief, whilst still standing on my beliefs and values. It was only as I ‘stepped out,’ I was able to ‘step in’ to another part of myself, seemingly foreign, unsettling and very uncomfortable to begin with.

Every new thing we do, requires courage, it’s a solo project. No-one can help us with this internal motivation and vision.

How important it is to stand on our own two feet, and to not hide behind what ‘a group’ thinks, or another individuals remarks or thoughts (judgements) about who we are. It’s empowering to stand alone. It doesn’t need to be arrogant, or prideful. It’s simply personal growth in the most healthiest of ways.

Today, I honour this song and the memory, as it is suitable for ‘such a time as this.’

I honour the times I’ve stepped out of comfortable situations and put myself ‘seemingly’ in the firing line of judgement or rejection. I honour the struggle, discomfort and the loneliness. I honour the joy, freedom, self-expression and self-acceptance.

I honour the part of me that is fearless. I accept my weaknesses and self-doubt when they rise up from within, all the while knowing that it is up-to me to move through any perceived barriers and continue to push through the walls that try to keep me ‘hidden’ from the ‘world’ or should I say, ’ or should I say, ‘humans’ who are on the same but different Self-discovery journey.

The truth is I’ve always been afraid, but I have chosen to ‘do it’ whatever it is, that is in my heart to do.

People ask me ‘how do you do it? How can you just put yourself out there? The answer is, I trust what is in my heart. Whether I succeed or fail, I cannot ignore it, I must follow through. As I discover and honour my path, I am able to help and inspire others to follow their path. This is my reason for being.

Today, is ‘a brand new day’ with new obstacles to face and…face them I will.

A Brand New Day #throwback

click this link to hear the song! Also available on Apple Teresa Bearsley - A Heart After His

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