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2020 its the year of CHANGE!

Updated: May 1, 2020

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone who reads this!

Its a new decade of songs, inventions, creativity, emotional awareness, SELF-awareness, mindfulness, thoughtfulness, kindness, memories, achievements, study, awards will BE as you choose it to BE!

2019 was a very interesting year for me personally. I found myself struggling with 'where exactly do I fit'? The first half of the year was financially difficult for me and my family. I thought I needed to go back to work so I'd spend hours up-skilling with UDEMY courses and perfecting my resume. Determining to land my dream job and absolutely refusing to just do 'whatever' out of desperation. So much of my time was focused on looking for a job...with no response!

However, I found as I began to 'turn on' to learning new skills...a fire began to burn in my belly. You know...that feeling of excitement for the future!

In September 2018 I vowed to write a book and gave myself one year to achieve it!

By August of 2019 there was no book in sight or even started. Actually I had began a memoir earlier in the year but found it burdensome. Boring! Completed 3 Chapters and put it to the side thinking errrrggghhhh who wants to read this...cause I don't even want to write it!

What was happening though, is I gave a lot of my time to thinking about life, choices, happiness, forgiveness, truth - topics such as these! I started to post on my Facebook page (Life BE in it) all my thoughts and quotes.


“Little did I know my book would address exactly these things. I was BEING prepared and I didn't know it at the time!"

Instead of having a book ready to rock and roll out on September of 2019...I was only beginning my book. IT JUST FLOWED OUT OF ME - I WAS READY! My first draft was completed in one month, so by October I was reworking and perfecting chapters...Oh that's where the work really sets in...over and over again and STILL I'm finding small typo errors, or a comma in the wrong spot!

Now its JANUARY 2020 and I'm just about there! My plan is to be launching my book by MARCH 2020.

My book was written with the intent to help others but instead it has deeply enriched my own life. Sharing my own personal stories of triumphs and disappointments, and my life lessons has shown me how everything we go through is for our own personal growth...and its not BAD or GOOD per se...its just LIFE! It's in reality...ALL GOOD and it's all relevant...bringing us to a place where we love who we are as a human BEING (If we pass these life lessons!).


I hope you will be happy for me and you will be inspired to pursue what is in your heart to do. Why not start this year 2020!

“We all have our own pathway! Follow will never be disappointed if you do whats in your heart!”

Personally, this year it's time for me to step up and stop messing around! Stop wasting precious time!

Oh don't worry I intend to having lots of fun along the way...cause that's how I role BUT my intention is to BE more mindful about my direction, personal growth and focus on what I know I need to do for my SELF! Hopefully, helping many others along the way.


My mantra this year is to LOVE and BE LOVED and it is what we all want at heart...isn't it?

You can make it your MANTRA as well!!! I don't mind sharing xx

HAPPY NEW YEAR FOLKS! Much love always, Teresa

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