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Claim your 30 Min online introductory session! 



  • Self- Acceptance/love

    • Developing the relationship you have with your Self​.

  • Personal relationships

    • Improving your relationship with your significant other.​

  • Health & Wellness.

    • Incorporating a healthy plan into your life and being held accountable.​

  • Life Balance & Boundaries

    • Learning how to move towards the life you want for your Self and away from people pleasing.​

  • Leadership/People Management/Team Building.

    • How to strengthen your leadership style and develop the leaders around you.​

  • Careers - Goal Setting

    • Taking control of the aspects of life that mean the most to you - and putting a plan of action in place.​

  • Family of Origin

    • How to move past problematic family relationships and make the right decisions for your Self.

  • Marriage/Divorce

    • Navigating marriage or a painful divorce, your emotions and your new life.​

  • School Issues

    • Rising above your bullies and being true to who you are, as well as finding your voice and speaking to someone.​

    • Issues within your friendship group or with your teachers.

  • Small Business start-up

    • What is required mentally and emotionally when starting a new business?​

  • Accountability coaching

    • Breaking old habits and/or personal goal setting and having me hold you to your own goals and activities.​

About the COACH
Teresa De Mouilpied-Moore - Life BEING In It - Author
Life Skills Coach/Course & Content Creator/Podcaster

In March 2020 I was beyond excited when I received my first printed copy of my book - Life Being In it. My book is about the way I live my life, and my non -compromising decisions to make the best choices for my Self, not what others want or expect of me. Bold, I know, but I have experienced so much joy and fulfillment through discovering my many talents and potential that I believe every one of us share. I believe so many people have not even come close to discovering who they actually are, and what they are capable of. Its not about attention, it is about authenticity, honesty and truth.

Exploring my true creative Self, and following my heart by allowing my creative spirit to flow through me, lead me directly to writing my book. It has not always been easy but it has definitely been worth every moment. In my book I share my victories as well as my struggles and pain with the hope to connect with my readers in a way that inspires them to run towards their potential and to not be afraid.


When we become aligned with our true Self ,we become unstoppable.


When people ask me ‘how do you do it?’ or’ why are you so happy?’ I am easily able to pinpoint it is because I set my mind to do something, and no-one can talk me out of it. It sounds so simple and a tad stubborn, but as you know, there is always 'opposition' in many forms, when choosing to do anything worthwhile.


  • As a coach I can help you locate within yourself what is holding you back from moving forward in your life. It does not matter what it is, I believe I can help you.

  • As a coach I can encourage you to pursue your God-given purpose. Everyone has a purpose and we only find it as we take action.

  • As a coach I will inspire you to take intentional steps towards what you want, and to take steps away from what you no longer need in your life.​


My studies and education include Diplomas' in Life Coaching and Psychology, and a Certificate in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

These courses have been insightful, however it is my vast work and life experiences which include;

  • Personal Trainer & Fitness Instructor

  • Festival and event director/coordinator

  • Choir Director/Leadership & team building

  • Award-winning - Singer/songwriter/CD project - all original songs

  • Singing - vocal coach

  • Advanced Skincare and Make-up trained

  • Fabric designs

  • Design Floral Fascinators

  • Several small businesses - entrepreneurial pursuits

  • ​Not for profit
    • and so much more!​


I write about many of these experiences in my book. All of these life experiences have led me to want to help make a difference in the lives of people who may be struggling with insecurity, fear of what people may think, discouragement or disappointment in their life and they need a coach for a short season, to point them in the right direction.


Everyone deserves to live their BEST Life with relevance and intention!


  1. What sets your heart on fire?

  2. What are you passionate about?

  3. Why are you not doing it?

  4. What habits are holding you back?

  5. Why are you stuck?


I am offering 30 minute 'get to know each other' for FREE * Limited time only

This gives you a chance to see if I am the right coach for you. Register today! Let's talk!

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Navigate your OWN life

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